Love You Thousand Years…
In real world, do you wish to love with this everlasting period? Here talked about Cost Per Wear and what we meant by Here & Now.
May I introduce to you my long term working partners
They are my companions which stay with me for 35 years. Their performance are so stable and long lasting. They are items that I will not give up in using them.
Why designing reversible and seamless garment?
你可能會問,內衣怎麼辦? 內褲我只會穿一個品牌同一款式,胸衣總有尼龍杖根怎麼辦?我是用純棉手帕三文治般夾在中間的! 如果你或身邊朋友或是你的小朋友有我同樣的煩腦,可以分享或私訊傾下生活中的小貼士。
Show Me Your Love Collection – We are destined to meet, Janet & Annette
愛與喜歡 Love & Like
甚麼是愛,甚麼是喜歡? 可以套用到我們對衣服上的感情嗎?在衣服斷捨離中,可以有不同層次的分析,隨了懂分辨"需要"及"想要",這文可以讓你進入另一層次。
你真的需要減肥?(III) – 睡眠質素只是第一步 (Mindful Sleeping)
你真的需要減肥?(II) – 靜觀正念飲食 (Mindful Eating)
到All-you-can-eat 餐廳你可以控制自己食七分飽嗎?Mindful eating 可以助我達成減肥的目標…, 上次都跟大家分享了,”放下”減肥才是上策!
你真的需要減肥? (I) – 你想擁有超級模特兒的身型?
據統計每300萬名女生, 只有8位擁有超級模特兒的身型。減肥在過去幾十年總是被標榜為女性的終身事業,大家受夠了麼?
當衣不稱身時, 男仕會怪責衣服, 女仕會怪責自己! 原來個人穿衣風格跟自身本質極有關係…
From Natural Dye and Shibori (Tie Dyeing) To Earth Healing Process
Why we need localisation and personalisation? What is instant gratification and anticipated buying journey? These bring out a question in how to get a well balance between technology and nature.
What is Sustainable Fashion? I tried to extract the explanation of fashion sustainability out of different journals and articles, and then categorised them from aspects of theory, technology, ecology, social and economic as shown in 2 diagrams.
Don’t think you are lucky when you buy clothes with very affordable price
為何環保服裝迫在眉睫? 有沒有想過為何20、甚至30年前一件”四個窿”的T恤賣港幣100左右,而現在的賣價都是差不多,甚至更便宜?是科技先進所以大量生產以至價格沒有更低,只會再低?實情又怎會這麼簡單! 內文提及的都是讓我徹底反省的原因!
Refashion a Pleated Tote
Image is better than thousand words. Here is a story how a pleated fabric tote was born.
From Tee to Pants
It’s my extra large tee which been worn for several years. Yet the gigantic size is of no appealing effect on me since last year. Lucky that its so big, and pretty enough for me to upcycle into a pants.
Cool Shoulder Shirt Dress
A balanced modification out of the imbalance details and the juxtaposition of balance and asymmetry. This is fashion design in an upcycling path. The iron was heavily loaded and went on strike, please accept all the creases on images.
Its too tight at waist and back panel been cut away
After upcycling, the back waist is released, even for the size 10 dummy can button up this size 4 dress. I didn’t put the belt loops back as wearer can now choose either with or without the belt on.
Please help to fulfil its 2nd life
Whistles Dress – give it a 2nd life
This is actually not really an upcycling dress, but just an alteration to cut it short, plus a cleaning process of the markers’ marks. I found this beautiful and here is its 2nd life, hope you will like it and wants to bring it home.
The Trench Rescue
Got a cut away trench coat from a garment company. Its a new piece, only problem is being cut at the back. Here is the story how I give this broken piece a second life. Bonus tracks inside!
Refashion Tie Dye Dress
Love the asymmetric neckline and hem effect. Love the print, I am not a print person and this is the only printed dress that I have in wardrobe.
Boyfriend shirt turn upside-down
Boyfriend shirt turned upside-down – An upcycling garment was given a 2nd life, it’s essence of design!