Nov 26, 2020 | Kind Fashion
Why we need localisation and personalisation? What is instant gratification and anticipated buying journey? These bring out a question in how to get a well balance between technology and nature.
Nov 18, 2020 | Kind Fashion
What is Sustainable Fashion? I tried to extract the explanation of fashion sustainability out of different journals and articles, and then categorised them from aspects of theory, technology, ecology, social and economic as shown in 2 diagrams.
Sep 23, 2020 | Kind Fashion
為何環保服裝迫在眉睫? 有沒有想過為何20、甚至30年前一件”四個窿”的T恤賣港幣100左右,而現在的賣價都是差不多,甚至更便宜?是科技先進所以大量生產以至價格沒有更低,只會再低?實情又怎會這麼簡單! 內文提及的都是讓我徹底反省的原因!
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