From Tee to Pants

From Tee to Pants

It’s my extra large tee which been worn for several years. Yet the gigantic size is of no appealing effect on me since last year. Lucky that its so big, and pretty enough for me to upcycle into a pants.

Why designing reversible and seamless garment?

Why designing reversible and seamless garment?

你可能會問,內衣怎麼辦? 內褲我只會穿一個品牌同一款式,胸衣總有尼龍杖根怎麼辦?我是用純棉手帕三文治般夾在中間的! 如果你或身邊朋友或是你的小朋友有我同樣的煩腦,可以分享或私訊傾下生活中的小貼士。

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